Helping businesses with employee injury solutions that maintain productivity, meet compliance standards, and reduce overall costs.
Independent Medical Evaluations
OccMedMD's comprehensive medical evaluations (IME's) are performed by a credentialed and experienced medical professional, within the medical specialty or specialties necessary to evaluate the case. An IME utilizes the same evidence-based principles as the review process, inclusive of a physical examination to provide a complete evaluation of the claimant's condition.
The purpose of this evaluation is to obtain an independent, objective opinion of the injured party’s current status of disability, functionality, prognosis, impairment, causality, treatment, maximum medical improvement, pre injury status, and/or employability.
Many cases require more than a persuasive argument to guarantee success in the courtroom. Oftentimes, you will need to verify injuries, pre-existing factors, and reassess previous doctor's diagnoses.
Dr. Webb's experience and training make him an expert in occupational medicine, independent medical examinations (IMEs), disability and impairment ratings, and workers compensation care.